MITClub of the
Delaware Valley

                                                                             Serving Southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Southern New Jersey and Northeastern Maryland


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Tech Programs
Young Alums

One of the core purposes of the club is to serve MIT, club members, and the community through targeted, compelling activities that promote the betterment of these constituencies.

If you would like to volunteer for a position, please join us.

Tech Programs

The VP of Programs is chairperson for Tech Programs is responsible for running programs that educate and entertain club membership on technology. 


The BizNet Chairperson is responsible for activities that support BizNet, our professional network for MIT Alumni and Friends in the Greater Philadelphia Area.  BizNet’s purpose is to promote

  • Leadership in the Philadelphia business and technical communities
  • Professional, career, and leadership development
  • Business networking
  • Entrepreneurship and investment in Philadelphia businesses

Young Alums

The Young Alums Chairperson is responsible for running events targeted to “young” (last 10 years) graduates.  The chair runs events that provides for social networking and helps the club inculcate these new grads into the club.


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Last modified: October 31, 2009 14:13 -0800
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